Jason, Blossem, Trevor and Madisen and not to forget Clyde and Bonnie

One adventure at a time!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

My little Army girl!!

Hello everyone....I know I know its been about a week since I have blogged, and I feel bad about it but life happens and at our house it was happening really fast....but no worries, I have the pictures to go with the updates so I am going to work my way back....

The post is having a change of command (I say post because I am still on con leave so I am not a part of it).  Anyhow, post headquarters is right across the street from our house and we had one of each of the vehicles we would use on a typical day out on display.  The last time this happened we missed the chance to go take pictures on them, not this time.  While I started dinner, I sent J over with Moo and Issac to take pictures, this is my favorite picture of her on a 10 K...
Yesterday I tried to take care of my con leave extension, which I might add did not happen, turns out that everyone else on post needed to see the Doc as well as so I had a appt this morning.  But after the wait there, I had to come home, get Moo ready to go to Papa Mikes and Cindy's and get J loaded up and on the road so that we made my Portsmoth appt on time. 

Eureka, we made it and after being loaded down with options and information, J and I made the decision we think is going to benefit our family in the end, I am going to have surgery to have a particle hysterectomy on the 13 of August.  They are going to leave the right side in and take the left, there is a 30% chance that in the future I will have to have the right side out, but for right now this seems like the best solution to our problem. 

So I am having the in-law here next week for two weeks, Handsome through the end of the month, I go back to work the end of July and another surgery in August, yep seems par for the course for us and just another day in the life!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hello Blue Eyes

Today we actually made it down to the beach!!! Yes we did!!  I am so happy that we did, just getting out of the house for a few hours does us all some good.

Today we broke with tradition if you will and actually went down to the strip, we hardly ever do that because the beach is always so crowded, you have to pay for parking, with all the beach stuff the trek down to the beach and back when all is said and done is more of a hassle than anything else really. 

So we decided to go later in the day around 3:30-4:00ish because we were just going to grab some sandwiches and stay for the concert that usually took place at our little spot. 

Well lady luck was piratically on our side today because right away we found a meter on the street we like to park so our trip to the beach only cost us around $3.00 can't complain there!! But there was a huge event going on where they would usually have the concert so we were a little bummed, but decided oh well.  We ended up staying down at the beach for about 3 hours, I slept 2 of those hours, I still can't get up and run and play in the ocean, so I am chained to the beach blanket with my shades and a book, today I decided to snooze.

We came home, made spaghetti and then was going to watch a movie, but time got away from us and in the end all we did was baths!

J is doing homework now and watching Ghost Hunter, me I am doing internet research on my transformation to Lucy Mae....I know you would all love to know who Lucy Mae is, but nope not yet...sit tight and you will all know in due time my dears!!!

Tomorrow, shopping, beach and music!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The letter B and the color blue

Today was day 2 of our preschooling so as you can imagine, it was the letter B, color blue and still counting to 5 (again with toostie rolls and again she did not eat them)  We worked on "school" when J sat down to do his homework and it went pretty well....we are working on writing as well only this is going to pose to be a big struggle for us because she is a left hander and J and I are right.  Not sure how I am going to overcome that hurdle but I am sure I will figure something out.

Again it was a day at home, I am going to stop planning for beach days because every day that I do its cloudy, humid and rains off and on.  So tomorrow all that we have planned is running a few errands and maybe hitting some 2nd hand clothing stores looking for my new 1940's outfit.  Why you ask?  Stay tuned to find out.

So another boring day in the Minson household but truth be told, I wouldn't have it any other way!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

School days, school days.....

Today was the first day of school for J and Madi.  J started his EKG class on his road to getting his paramedic degree  (side note, I am so proud of him) he is not taking any EMT classes this summer, but still taking medical type classes.  One is on the internet so this is going to work out perfectly with Madi's pre-schooling at home.

So after a day of doctor's appointments and running around, J left for school and Madi and I got down to it.  We started off with the color red, letter A and counting to 5 with toostie rolls.  To work on our coloring we made paper dolls....once I find some safety scissors we are going to cut them out.  All in all she did really well, she knows her primary colors so when I asked her what color the crayon was she looked at me like I was dumbest person that was breathing and said with all the attitude her two year old body could muster..."um red mommy".  We then did a few worksheets with finding the apples and the letter A.  When it came time to count she wanted to count she did count and then when I gave her a toostie roll she told me that she doesn't like that kind of candy....well.....excuse me Miss Madi....next time I buy candy to count I will definitely take what you want into consideration!!

So the foot doctor visit went just like I thought it would....still staying off the foot, took a swab to see if there is an infection...zero weight on the foot and next week I am going to get restitched....UM I AM OVER THE FOOT DRAMA ALREADY!!  Good news, I can put balance weight on the foot......oh well at least its something.

Tomorrow we have homework and a concert on the beach.  So we are going to be bums in the morning and then move over to the beach to become beach bums....


Monday, June 7, 2010

A whole lot of playin today.....

Today  was a lounging day.....we did a whole lot of nothing.  Madi had a bit of a rough night last night so she slept in late today.  I love how she wakes up and walks downstairs with a huge grin on her face and she says I sleepe so good Mommy.....

We ended up doing lots of playing inside and watching TV.....she just decided how the day was going to go.

Of course her and daddy went for the bike ride and she played outside for most of the evening.  Its pretty sad when she comes up and tells me she is ready for a bath cause her hands and hair are dirty!!!

I made the decision today that starting tomorrow we are going to start a preschool.  While this isn't going to provide the social interaction that I am wanting for her, she is so smart and getting bored with her daily  routine that I believe its high time we jump on the learning bandwagon.  While I am still on con leave we will probably do her school in the morning and then once I go back to work we will do it in the evenings before bath time.....I am researching learning tools now on the Internet and am really excited to see where this will take us!!

Tomorrow, doctor's appointments and school all around!!

See ya then!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

We LOVE to share in our house!!

So today we "attempted" to go to the Jason Aldean concert.....this did not work out, parking was between $10-15, almost three blocks from the event and PACKED with people.  Being as I am still on one good leg this was not working in our favor!!  Plus the temperature gage on the jeep read 96 degrees, this was moving....IT HAD TO BE HOTTER ON THE BEACH.  So we decided to drive the strip and people watch then head home and regroup.

We went home, had Popsicles and decided that J and Madi would go for the daily bike ride and I stayed home and watched an old Sex in the City episode. 

When J and Madi got home and we decided to make up Madi missing out on the beach by letting her have one of her suckers. One of the things we are really driving home right now is sharing.  I guess that it does not matter who she shares with as long as she is sharing.  From our picture today you can see that she decided to share her sucker with Bonnie....they both enjoyed it.  Of course daddy told her she needed to sit on my lap because I LOVED the sugar bath!!!  I love my family.

We did not end up heading back out tonight...instead, its a typical Minson night home, Madi and J running around like banshee's playing with the dogs and me blogging.  Later, more Popsicles and ghost hunters of course.

This week more doctor appointments and J starts summer school!!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Another night of music under the stars.....

Tonight we ventured down again to Beach Street USA and enjoyed a concert under the stars.  The group really wasn't one we would listen to on a every day basis, but then we really didn't go down there for the music, its more of a night out!!

Madi is able to play in the grass and run and dance and spin....all to her little hearts desire!!  I enjoy this because I know that when we get home, she is going to be ready for bed!!!  What a great deal for us both!

Tonight we invited the neighbors to join us so there was a handful of us and Madi got to play with her Z boys.....

Clyde also made the concert tonight.....yes, before you even have to ask, J did dance with him and Clyde got to play with the kids till his little doggie heart was content. 

Its not hard to please my group....a little fresh air and music and we are one happy bunch!!

Hope you all had a great Saturday  night!